A.P.P.L.e Digital and Career Training – Discipline System and Procedures
Use PBIS Procedures – Teach/ Re-teach rules & expectations, use Apple Bytes to recognize appropriate behavior, allow students to use them for classroom incentives, make referrals to counselors, make referrals for behavior coaching, discuss within APPLE Cluster.
Incident or Problem Behavior occurs
>> Decision Point for Teacher
Goal: Behavior Ceases ~ Reinforce Appropriate Behavior
1st Offense- No Minor Referral Needed
•Verbal Feedback & Reteach expectation [Teachable moment]
•Students remains in classroom
•Clarify consequences
2nd Offense - Minor Referral
•Send mR form to Mr. Bryant as soon as possible.
•Student remains in classroom
•Time-out may be used {notify Mr. Bryant}
•Intervention & Consequences
•Contact Parent/Student conference/ APPLE Cluster discussion
•*Student will return to classroom after de-escalation/ problem solving
3rd Offense - Minor Referral
•Send mR form to Mr. Bryant as soon as possible.
•Student remains in classroom.
•Time out may be used (notify Mr. Bryant}
•Intervention & Consequences
•Contact Parent/ Student conference/ APPLE Cluster discussion
•*Student will return to classroom after de-escalation/ problem solving
4th Offense - Minor Referral [3rd]
•Send mR form to Mr. Bryant as soon as possible.
•Student remains in classroom.
•Time out may be used [notify]
•*Student will return to classroom after de-escalation/problem solving.
•Mr. Bryant to complete MAJOR for 3 minors - Conference (in- person or by phone) with parent to discuss behaviors and possible interventions/ solutions.
Major Referral Form
•Notify front office of major & send MR form to office
•Notify Mr. Bryant & Send student to ISSP
•Mrs. Griffin will call ISSP to make sure that student has arrived.
Student held in ISSP pending investigation by admin
•Admin will follow - up with course of action.
Admin Follow - up
•Parent contacted
•Copies of MR to reporting teacher and Advisory teacher.
•Incident recorded in data management system.